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Details for Parks Foodie Fridays for September 27 - "Hear the Past: Historical Foodways in Montgomery County"

How has Montgomery County’s history shaped the food system we see today? Listen to historian, author, and explorer of the American past – Tony Cohen – talk about historical foodways, with a focus on the Museum Garden at Button Farm Living History Center and the heirloom varieties being grown there.

Speaker: Tony Cohen, Button Farm Living History Center https://buttonfarm.org/
Anthony Cohen is a historian, author, and explorer of the American past. Tony launched his career in 1996, walking two months from Maryland to Canada, along the Underground Railroad. Tony is the Founder and President of The Menare Foundation (https://www.menare.org/), a national non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the legacy of the Underground Railroad. Tony is also a founding member of the Montgomery County Lynching Memorial Project and has served as a consultant to the National Parks Conservation Association, Maryland Public Television, NASA, and trained Oprah Winfrey for her role in the 1998 motion picture Beloved. Tony operates the Button Farm Living History Center, a 40-acre farm depicting 1850s plantation life in Maryland. To bring this history to life Button Farm recreates sensory experiences of the past, integrating the tastes, touch, smell, sights and sounds of the 1850s into the daily operations of the farm.