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Details for Parks Foodie Fridays for July 26 - "Smell the Flowers: Pollinators & Agriculture"

Channel your inner pollinator and “stop and smell the roses” with researcher Michael Roswell. Learn about the important role of pollinators in agriculture and local food systems while identifying insects and exploring pollination biology during this hands-on lecture.

Speaker: Michael Roswell, https://michaelroswell.com/
Michael Roswell grew up outside of Baltimore, Maryland, then studied biology and linguistics at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania, and later received his Ph.D. from Rutgers University in New Jersey. Between college and graduate school, he worked as a science educator in the Northeast US and in Southern California. In his postdoc at the University of Maryland, he conducted preliminary work on the pollination biology of soybeans, worked with 4H to develop teaching materials, and developed a prioritization tool for regional species conservation. He is currently working on Rabies transmission as well as ongoing work on biodiversity measurement. He is interested in the ecology and conservation of plant-pollinator interactions, robust methods for biodiversity estimation, and developing quantitative tools in ecology. Michael loves sharing what he’s learning about bees, other pollinators, pollination ecology, and infectious diseases, and regularly does outreach programming with schools, beekeeping organizations, master gardeners, and other groups.