Maydale Hikes and Scavenger Hunts - PMAY0006

(Almost) Full Moon Night Hike


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Activity Details

(Almost) Full Moon Night Hike

Meeting Details

Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Days: Fri
Maydale Nature Classroom
1638 Maydale Dr.
Colesville, MD, 20905


Ages 6 and Up
Winter Registration starts November 13 at 6:30am



(Almost) Full Moon Night Hike

Explore the great outdoors with a naturalist-led hike. Whether you are looking for a family-friendly hike around Maydale, or want to learn about nocturnal animals during a night hike, or enjoy a scavenger hunt with your family there is a hike for you.
Let’s use the light of the nearly full moon to guide us on a hike through the woods, meadow, and ponds of Maydale as we explore the sights and sounds that surround us. Program will be all outdoors and will meet at the parking lot. Please make sure all participants ages 6 and up register.



Charge When Not Billed:
Parks Maydale Activity Fee (Standard Fee): $6.00


Charge When Not Billed:
Parks Maydale Activity Fee (Standard Fee): $6.00
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